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A sanatorium in the Saint-Pierre Hospital in Brussels


Brussels The federal government will fund the implementation of this service on a trial basis.

A “sanatorium” will open its doors in the Saint-Pierre Hospital in Brussels, on the model of convalescent homes and sanatoriums that existed until the 80s. The authorities have taken a series of measures to fight Tuberculosis; could be read in the newspaper ‘De Standaard’. TBC cases are indeed rising in Belgium. In 2011, 1.112 people were affected by this disease, against 1.006 in 2008. “Especially in Brussels this problem has become important,” said the Director General of Federal Public Service Health”, Christiaan Decoster. “This is due to globalization, migration and poverty.

The federal government and the federated entities have decided to work together to fight against this phenomenon. A Memorandum of Understanding, including the most significant measure is the reopening of a sanatorium, has been concluded.

“It will be a limited form of sanatorium. A separate department in a hospital where patients with a form of MDR-TB can recover in a warm atmosphere with specialized supervision. “This department will be for patients who no longer need extensive care but do not have to return to the street to avoid a relapse resulting risk of infecting others, “says Decoster.

The federal government will fund the implementation of this service on a trial basis.

Belga gepubliceerd op vrijdag 26 juli 2013

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