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University campus

In Strasbourg, building a factory school dedicated to the production in clean rooms.

Lucile Roger Durieux (july 12 2013)

The building, GMP compliant, scheduled to open in 2015.

The University Campus Illkirch (University of Strasbourg), Bas-Rhin, host in 2015 a training center dedicated to production activities in an aseptic environment. The building EASE (European Aseptic & Sterile Environment Training Center) will meet the GMP requirements. It will consist out of a metal structured frame and glass facades. The cleanrooms will be grouped to form the heart of a technical platform. The environmental parameters of each manufacturing module, specialized laboratory, PAL, will be controlled. The architectural realization was given ‘Cabinet Vialet’, supported by various co-contractors: Ceris Ingénierie, Batiserf, C2BI, Peutz & Associés. The project is also accompanied by Aubry & Guiguet.

EASE will have a capacity of more than 4,000 students a year, mostly alternating training, targeting many professions as industrial pharmacist or cleaning agent. The plant will primarily school health industries, but also the fine chemicals and food industrie.

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