For several weeks, we have been experiencing an increasingly difficult period. The absence of formal communication from the HeX GROUP has been linked to the great variability of the information available and the constant evolution of the epidemic situation.
For the past few days, many customers have asked us to suspend, postpone, or cancel the services and interventions we furnish. As HeX performs tests, controls, calibrations, training, and consultancy with and for its customers, the loss of this turnover necessarily leads us to review how we organize to address the current situation.
The 50 HeX employees are committed to providing you with quality service.
We are obviously conflicted between providing you with satisfactory services and the responsibility to maintain isolation during this epidemic period. In addition, the uncertainty of the situation, the variability and the cancellation of intervention schedules, all lead us to have to take strong measures to protect both the HeX GROUP and the general interest.
It is therefore with great difficulty and at the same time fully assuming our civic duty, that we choose to immediately suspend all interventions by HeX.
Thus, from now on, interventions for controls, qualification, calibrations, transport of samples, and analyses in our laboratory are suspended. Only the results or reports of tests, calibrations and analyses will be kept on our web server. Pending results will be released and guaranteed until Thursday March 19 at 11 p.m. Beyond that date, only the telephone line and the mailbox will be maintained.
Providing quality service requires that our organization not be impacted by current events. However, like you, in the coming days we will be unable to guarantee the maintenance of our services and, consequentially, their quality.
We will, of course, get back to you as we near the end of this health crisis to prepare and organize the resumption of our services.
Our desire to protect our employees as well as our customers, and to contribute on our own level to curbing the spread of this epidemic as quickly as possible, leads us to this severe but necessary decision.
We would also like to take this opportunity to remind people of the importance of consistency and solidarity that the situation we are experiencing requires.
Asking our traders, artisans, entrepreneurs, restaurants, freelancers and all of the professions who are being hard hit by the suspension of their activities to bear the brunt of this crisis, while maintaining ourselves a “semblance” of non-essential activities, does not seem to us to meet this standard of consistency. Add to that that our healthcare professionals, overwhelmed by the current situation, urge us to react by taking urgent containment actions, we feel makes this “necessary consistency” all the more essential.
This health crisis seems to be already exceptional. However, it is March 17, 2020, and if we are only at the dawn of a health catastrophe, the general sense around us that “it is not happening here” is still very prevalent. It remains urgent and necessary, therefore, that the containment situation be active and effective if we are to limit the impact of this epidemic.
We hope that despite the potentially strong impact this decision may have on many of our customers, everyone will understand and respect our position.
Once this crisis is over, we will need all our strength to bounce back. The 50 employees of HeX GROUP will be present for this resumption of services and will be by your side. Our ability to anticipate issues will be up to the challenge of resuming activities.
For now, the challenge at the moment must be to limit the spread of the virus and protect the most vulnerable.
Let us be united and responsible, each from our own home!!!
Tony, David,Franck